Petco Worker Gets $300,000 in Dog Bite Claim
Mar 3, 2023
Chicago, IL (Law Firm Newswire) December 14, 2022 – A dog groomer at a nationwide pet store chain received a $300,000 settlement in her dog bite claim with the help of Chicago law firm Briskman Briskman & Greenberg.
The plaintiff was a young woman who worked at Petco. She was injured after suffering a dog bite.
While Petco was the woman’s employer, the company was not a party to the claim. The dog bite claim was filed against the dog’s owner, who dropped their dog off at Petco for grooming services. Briskman Briskman & Greenberg was successful in obtaining $300,000 in compensation for the injured Petco employee.
“Dog bite victims have the right to pursue compensation for their injuries and other related costs,” said Paul Greenberg, a personal injury attorney with Briskman Briskman & Greenberg. “Besides expensive medical bills, a dog bite can result in lost wages when taking time off work to recover, emotional distress, pain and suffering, disfigurement and other losses.”
Under Illinois law, dog owners are required to take steps to ensure their pets do not bite or attack others. Dog owners in Chicago and throughout the state bear strict liability any time their pet injures someone.
Dog bites can result in a wide range of injuries. Common types of dog bite injuries include puncture wounds, avulsion, facial injuries, broken bones and crush injuries. Emergency room visits or reconstructive surgery may be necessary in severe cases.
Dog bite injuries also carry a risk of infection such as rabies, Pasteurella and tetanus. Dog bite victims should watch out for fever or swelling in the bitten area, among other signs of infection. They should seek prompt medical attention in the aftermath of a dog attack.
“Anyone who has been injured due to a dog bite or attack should reach out to an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible,” commented Greenberg. “The attorney can provide legal guidance on the possibility of obtaining compensation through a dog bite claim.”
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